Lautenschlager Areal


Project: Lautenschlager Areal
Building Type: Business premises
Address: Lautenschlagerstraße 23A
Zip/City: 70173 Stuttgart
Country: Germany
Completion: 2018


Project: Lautenschlager Areal

The Lautenschlager Areal is an office and commercial building in the heart of Stuttgart. It consists of a listed old building with annexed new building between Friedrichstraße and Lautenschlagerstraße. The ensemble offers a total of 7,750 m² of office space and approx. 1,900 m² of retail space on five or six storeys in the immediate vicinity of Königstraße, Stuttgart's shopping mile. The in-house underground car park has 107 parking spaces. By creating a flexible basic architecture, the individual tenants were able to design their work environment according to the requirements of their activities and processes. For the sustainable overall concept of the building a certification according to DGNB Gold is aspired.

Lindner AG has provided the execution planning as well as numerous fit-out works from a single source in ten rental spaces of the Lautenschlager Areal. The different rental areas cover six floors and a total area of ​​approx. 6,100 m². The product range of the Lindner Group includes metal ceilings, heated and chilled ceilings as well as glass partition systems that contribute to the high-quality standard of construction in the individual rental areas both visually and functionally.


General planning
Work phases 1-9
Door and gate systems
Wooden Doors 250 Pcs.
Plasterboard ceiling systems
Plasterboard ceilings 1,750 sqm
Plasterboard partition systems
Plasterboard wall lining systems 1,500 sqm
Metal stud plasterboard partition systems 4,700 sqm
Glass partitions
Lindner Life glass partitions 250 sqm
F0 Metal ceiling
LMD-E - Hook-on/Corridor ceilings 600 Pcs.
Plasterboard heated and chilled ceilings
Plafotherm® GK HEKDA® - plasterboard ceiling 300 sqm
Heated and chilled canopy ceilings
Plafotherm® DS - Canopy ceilings 100 sqm
Heated and chilled metal ceilings
Plafotherm® E - Hook-On/Corridor ceilings 125 sqm

Companies involved

Interior Architecture: Lindner AG | General Planning, Arnstorf, Germany
Specialist Planner Façade: Schaller Architekten BDA | RIBA, Stuttgart, Germany


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