Telegraf 7


Project: Telegraf 7
Building Type: Business premises, Office buildings
Address: Lehargasse 7
Zip/City: 1060 Vienna
Country: Austria
Completion: 2016


Project: Telegraf 7

The tradition-rich building in Vienna´s Lehargasse 7 used to be a telecommunications control centre a long time ago. This history passed on to the name of the building as well as its architecture: large-scale interiors with ornamentation from the period of promoterism characterise the building, which has been renovated extensively. In this course, modern office areas have been established, which combine extraordinary design and area usage. This saw the construction of a room-in-room solution with a basis of individual offices and meeting rooms, while the overlaying area is used as office floors and lounge areas. 

Lindner SE took part in this construction with Glass Partitions of type Lindner Life Freeze 137 and integrated swing doors and slide doors, respectively. Their chosen glazings have a particular influence on the effect of the Cubes. From the exterior, they reflect the appearance of their surroundings, which is achieved with highly reflective balustrade claddings and glazed partitions with screen printing. Inside the cube, black resins and curtains make for an elevated level of discretion.


Glass partitions
Lindner Life glass partitions 450 sqm
Doors for wall systems - Lindner Plus 26 Pcs.

Companies involved

Client: JP Immobilien, Vienna, Austria


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