Generali Tower


Project: Generali Tower
Building Type: Office buildings
Address: Piazza Tre Torri
Zip/City: 20145 Milan
Country: Italy
Completion: from 2018 to 2019


Project: Generali Tower

The Torre Generali (Generali Tower) in Milan is an office building and the third tallest skyscraper in the city and country after Torre Unicredit and Torre Allianz. In the vernacular, the tower is also known as Lo Storto (The Twisted) due to its twisted appearance. The building has a height of 177 metres and provides offices for the Italian insurance group Assicurazioni Generali on 44 levels.

The tower was extensively equipped with Lindner raised floors of the NORTEC type. This solution made it possible to cleverly conceal technical installations and cable routes in the floor cavity in order to gain greater architectural freedom. Suitable outlets were created in the required places. Furthermore, the floor can be opened at any point, which facilitates maintenance work. An attractive finish is achieved with floor coverings applied on site.



Raised floor systems
NORTEC 30,000 sqm

Companies involved

Architecture: Zaha Hadid Architects, London,
General Contractor: C.M.B. Cooperativa Muratori e Braccianti di Carpi, Carpi, Italy
Construction Management: Liuni S.P.A., Milan, Italy


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