Hard Turm Park, Construction Area A2


Project: Hard Turm Park, Construction Area A2
Building Type: Office buildings, Business premises, Residential buildings
Address: Pfingstweidstrasse 106
Zip/City: 8005 Zurich
Country: Switzerland
Completion: from 2015 to 2016


Project: Hard Turm Park, Construction Area A2

The approximately 47,000 square meter Hard Turm Park was developed on the former Hardturm area. This new city district offers around 500 apartments as well as numerous office and commercial spaces, surrounded by generous open spaces. The construction field A2 also follows this mixed use. Commercial and office space is concentrated on the street side, which is why bright window fronts were integrated into the façade. In the courtyard as well as in the direction of the pedestrian zone residential areas have been created.

The Lindner Fassaden GmbH was responsible for large parts of the façade surface of the construction field A2. This includes the glazed areas on the street side and in the courtyard, as well as steelwork in the form of railings and balconies.


Curtain wall
Unitised facade
Stick system
Steel construction and locksmith works

Companies involved

Client: Helvetia Versicherungen, Zurich, Switzerland
Architecture: Theo Hotz Partner AG, Zürich, Switzerland


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