University of Television and Film Munich


Project: University of Television and Film Munich
Building Type: Schools/Educational establishments
Address: Barerstr. 21
Zip/City: 80333 Munich
Country: Germany
Completion: from 2010 to 2011


Project: University of Television and Film Munich

The construction of the University of Television and Film Munich took four years, from 2007 to 2011. It comprises libraries, lecture and seminar rooms, depots, administrative offices, showrooms, shops, TV and film studios, cinemas, auditorium and several equipment and telecommunication rooms. Lindner furnished the cinemas and the auditorium with FLOOR and more® raised floors and sound absorbers for ceilings and walls that cover large parts of the room.


Plasterboard ceiling systems
Plasterboard ceilings 488 sqm
Plasterboard partition systems
Metal stud plasterboard partition systems 340 sqm
Plasterboard accessories
Absorber 4,100 sqm
Hollow floor systems
CAVOPEX 7,000 sqm
FLOOR and more® arena 650 sqm

Companies involved

Client: Staatliches Bauamt München 2, Munich, Germany
Architecture: Peter Böhm Architekten, Cologne, Germany


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