Dummy Title http://example.com en-gb TYPO3 News Sat, 21 Sep 2024 00:42:40 +0200 Sat, 21 Sep 2024 00:42:40 +0200 TYPO3 EXT:news news-4380 Wed, 14 Dec 2016 12:25:00 +0100 BIG Impulse network meeting in Mariakirchen - From fire protection to beer brewing index.php?id=8517&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=4380&cHash=5b1a564d4781dfbb81d4f8275c829a5c On 10 November 2016, this year’s last BIG Impulse network meeting of the “Bundesverband in den Gewerken Trockenbau und Ausbau e.V.” (Federal association for trades dry construction and fit-out) took place at Schloss Mariakirchen. BIG and Lindner GFT GmbH as hosts invited to practice-related speeches and a guided tour including a meal in our brewery in Mariakirchen. In the stylish ambience of the conference rooms at Schloss Mariakirchen, the event started on time with introductory words of Alfred Bircks, Chairman of BIG, and the Managing Director of Lindner GFT GmbH, Josef Bielmeier.

The presentation about “fire protection in interior fit-out” from Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Lang, Head of Research & Development, attracted great interest. Prof. Lang answered the current questions of the interested participants, amongst other things about the legal requirements concerning the fire protection in “necessary corridors”. He also explained the fire-resistance classes of plasterboard partitions according to DIN 4102/4 and presented the regulations about the fire-protective glazing in the partitions of “necessary corridors”.

Josef Bielmeier reported about “dry screeds in the world of subfloors”. He did not only clarify the necessary requirements for the use of dry screeds, but also emphasized the advantages for the specialized entrepreneurs and their consequential competence compared to planners and builders. Subsequently, the NORIT-products of Lindner GFT GmbH were presented in more detail.

After a short break, Dunja Morge (BIG) informed about the development and aims of the association. Especially the topic “apprenticeship in the dry construction industry” was not only welcomed by the participating students of the “Staatliche und kommunale berufliche Schulen Vilshofen an der Donau” (state and municipal vocational schools Vilshofen an der Donau).

As the last speaker, Ulrich Stahl, chairman of “Bundesverband Flächenheizungen und Flächenkühlungen e.V.” (Federal association for surface heating and cooling), questioned whether new business segments for the extension and construction industry, away from the heating construction industry, could develop out of it. This issue belonged to the topic “heating and cooling across extensive systems engineering”. In his opinion, the future trends are obviously located in nearly zero energy buildings and also in system providers, which enable planning, sales and installation being “from one source”.

After the official part of the BIG Impulse network meeting, the event ended, upon the invitation of Lindner GFT GmbH, with a guided tour through the brewery and a following snack at Schlossbräu Mariakirchen.

news-4370 Wed, 07 Dec 2016 16:24:00 +0100 New Construction of Deutsche Hypo index.php?id=8517&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=4370&cHash=3bdbf927ab195b61da6ec30db2ae30ec Deutsche Hypo, the real estate financing specialist of Nord/LB, has combined its so-far separated locations in one new building in the old town of Hanover. Lindner Group was responsible for dry construction works as well as for hollow floors. A gold certification according to DGNB was aimed for and finally fulfilled thanks to a sustainable building concept. As a founding member of DGNB, Lindner Group has gained several years of experience in sustainable construction.

The extensive dry construction works of this project focused in the corridor and office areas, conference and meeting rooms as well as the cafeteria. Approximately 8,500 sqm plasterboard walls and 5,600 sqm plasterboard ceilings with and without perforation have been used. In addition, there were various special works as for example the set-up of handrails, board counter and plasterboard chilled ceilings.

Furthermore, about 9,400 sqm of CAVOPEX hollow floor systems were installed. Thanks to numerous covering options, the system could meet the different requirements in the building.

news-4367 Wed, 30 Nov 2016 08:03:00 +0100 Fire Protection for Modernisations - TIPmotion® in the Media Academy index.php?id=8517&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=4367&cHash=d724bf95fc26da39c010ac236c066680 In order to bring the ARD.ZDF Media Academy in Nuremberg in line with the latest state of the art in regard of fire protection, the facilities' hallways and escape routes have been retrofitted with 450 sqm of Lindner Fire Protection Ceilings type LMD F30 TIPmotion®. Before the renovation works started, a comprehensive situation analysis was carried out by the project management to get a picture of the buildings characteristics. As a part of this, the substructures for the fire protection ceilings and other constructive challenges have been solved in advance. The Media Academy features numerous hallway combinations and connections that had to be considered in the ceiling construction: hallway enlargements, frieze connections and central suspensions saw use in the course of this project.

The key decision factors in favour of the Lindner Fire Protection ceiling system type LMD F30 TIPmotion® had been the quick, easy and toolless access to the ceiling void. Some hallways run at a slight incline, which required a constructive ceiling solution that ensures flawless function of the tip mechanism for every single ceiling element. An additional safety catch prevents the elements from sliding down the incline.

This Lindner Fire Protection Ceiling System does not only offer protection with a resistance class of F30 acc. to DIN 4102-2, it also improves the Media Academy´s acoustics through perforations. The hallwas are illuminated by its integrated luminaires type T38/20 for metal fire protection ceilings. A total of 65 of these specular louvre luminaires have been fitted with the ceilings. By choosing integrated lighting solutions by Lindner, it can be ensured that there are no differences in colour between the luminaire and the ceiling element, while typical interface-related problems such as tolerances or damages in assembly are avoided all together.

For more information on LMD F30 TIPmotion® please visit our » website.

news-4364 Wed, 23 Nov 2016 14:37:00 +0100 High climate comfort in Düsseldorf’s new quarter Belsenpark index.php?id=8517&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=4364&cHash=683fafdbb55c455b31dec83409c63c76 A new quarter for living and working was created in the popular district Düsseldorf-Oberkassel. The Building MK 2.1/3, or „Belmundo“, is a part of this new quarter. It has been fitted with Lindner Heating and Cooling Ceilings, Wooden Doors and Hollow floors. The parks and green areas perfectly integrate the modern quarter into this district of Düsseldorf. Thus, 70 % of the office building MK2.1 / MK3 – officially named “Belmundo” – have already been rented at the start of construction.

Apart from Lindner wooden doors and hollow floor systems, various Plafotherm® heated/chilled ceilings have been installed in the building planned by the architects SOP. The dry lining works were also carried out. The office building certified by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) has a rental area of approx. 10,000 sqm.

The sustainable concept comprises Plafotherm® heated/chilled ceilings which provide for high climate comfort, both in the representative entrance area and the bright office areas. For the extensive public areas, the client decided on the heated/chilled plasterboard ceiling Plafotherm® GK VarioFlex with efficient cooling. Instead of this, metal heated/chilled ceilings were chosen for the office areas. The flexible layouts allow for a large number of possible floor plans – thus, individual offices and open plan offices are included in the office area. Even after completion, the installed Plafotherm® B heated/ chilled post cap ceilings leave enough freedom to subsequently install a partition and to create new office solutions. Plafotherm® DS heated/chilled canopy ceilings were also used in the open office areas and provide for an ideal working atmosphere. Like this, the temperature control and illumination is exactly above the individual workstations and conference tables.

news-4361 Thu, 17 Nov 2016 12:57:00 +0100 Lindner was honoured by the parent's magazine ELTERN index.php?id=8517&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=4361&cHash=55033e59bc848d4611f9597acd125a27 The magazine ELTERN was seeking for Germany's most family-friendly companies. Among others, Lindner Group was awarded as "best company for families". What makes an employer attractive, how and where can both, family and career, be combined the best way and would you recommend your employer? Flexible working hours, good conditions with regard to child care and remuneration, durable or pragmatic offers for child care. These were the topics that were queried by ELTERN and the statistics portal satista of 19,000 employees betwenn 18 and 40 in summer 2016. The choice was to be made between Germany companys working in 15 different fields and employing more than 500 employees. The results can be read in the latest ELTERN edition 11/2016. Lindner Group is one of the top-companies in the field of "construction industry, raw material, energy and production of construction materials".

The Lindner Group especially convinces as family-run company with family friendly working hour models, care for children and the free use of proper holiday houses as well as the social commitment beyond the site's and the company's doors. A wide range of further training offering internal career advancements and attractive special benefits like company cars ensure an outstanding long-lasting period of service and a strong solidarity within the Lindner Group.

(Source: supplement "The best companies for families", ELTERN edition 11/2016)

More information on the » familiy-friendly company.

news-4359 Tue, 15 Nov 2016 15:34:27 +0100 Lindner Group at the BAU 2017 trade fair index.php?id=8517&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=4359&cHash=126a4f11476fd66e0a4539124424ee81 From 16th to 21st January 2017 the Lindner Group will contribute to the colourful atmosphere at the leading trade show for the construction industry, the BAU 2017 in Munich, presenting their comprehensive range of products and services for innovative project solutions in interior fit-out, building shell and insulation technology. Using a selection of recently completed projects, Lindner will showcase the deep expertise of their supply-only and contracting business in specialist disciplines such as fireproofing, acoustics and green building. Lindner will also present several technological and process-related advancements as per this year’s exhibition motto ‘The future of building’, for instance in the field of BIM (Building Information Modeling) and Lean Construction Management. Furthermore, Lindner will be the first construction company to certify their system products according to the Cradle to Cradle® standard.

Lindner invites all BAU visitors to take a seat at the solid wooden tables of their brand-new exhibition booth for a conversation with one of the experienced product or sales managers. While enjoying Bavarian hospitality, guests will get an impression of how the company’s long-standing claim of ‘Building New Solutions’ is turned into practice through product inventions and project-specific solutions.
The appearance at the BAU 2017 will be rounded off by visual content from the new employer branding campaign of the family business from Lower Bavaria.

news-4339 Wed, 09 Nov 2016 10:01:00 +0100 New Stand Concept at the Orgatec index.php?id=8517&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=4339&cHash=e98845080215aa06fe466b1233e2a947 Matching the fair theme "New visions of work", Lindner Group presented a stand with an all-new design concept at the Orgatec 2016. The stand featured universal acoustic solutions for office fit-out and the creation of modern working environments. There were quite a few attractions that drew visitors to Lindner´s 85-sqm stand: massive tailor-made wooden tables and corresponding chairs, a lively presentation area for product highligts and acoustical fit-out projects, and last but not least the traditional Bavarian catering. There were also a lot of things to be seen and heard, and even to be touched: the latest developments were presented with hand samples or in a built-in state. Key focus was placed on universal acoustic solutions for Floorings, Ceilings and Partitions, while the stand also featured the new Employer Branding campaign and Lindner Group´s general structure with its various fields of business.

The aim of the new stand concept is to enable more interaction, allowing the staff on site to have more detailed conversations with visitors, and meet their needs in the process. This follows the basic orientation of Lindner Group, which seeks not only to offer high-quality, certified standardised systems, but also to create customised innovative solutions to meet the requirements of the customers.

news-4336 Wed, 02 Nov 2016 10:04:00 +0100 Training as quality factor: product workshops for international employees index.php?id=8517&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=4336&cHash=25e09374ff7218787b3ba45a695ea6b2 Continuous education is highly regarded at Lindner. Throughout the year there are presentations, trainings and workshops – from language courses to IT trainings – most of which are prepared and held in-house by our employees for their colleagues. Courses aiming at the transfer of first-hand know-how on products and construction site management represent the largest module in the education catalogue.

Our annual company party in Arnstorf is the perfect opportunity to offer theoretical and practical training for visitors from our international subsidiaries: products are being explained in detail, their attributes demonstrated at close range. The highlight of a workshop very often is a complete hands-on installation of a certain system. For employees working in sales, CAD or internal services, this practical experience enhances their understanding of the products, their applications and how they differ from other solutions.

The Product Management team for Ceiling Systems, for instance, held a workshop for commercial clerks from France, presenting the heated and chilled metal and plasterboard ceilings Plafotherm® B 100 and Plafotherm® GK HEKDA, respectively. In the process they did not only install a ceiling system but also gained insight into the hydraulic connection and the structure of regulation units, and even into soldering and pressing. Using essential tools, like a level, segmented bender and tube cutter, was part of the training, too.

At a different event, employees from Lindner USA had the opportunity to become more familiar with the extensive range of ceiling systems, including Post Cap, Hook-on and Expanded Metal. Particular attention was paid to the introduction and installation practice of the new Baffle ceiling, LMD-L 608.

news-4326 Wed, 26 Oct 2016 10:20:00 +0200 Hotels with character – Lindner Mobilier manufactures for Falkensteiner Hotels index.php?id=8517&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=4326&cHash=46ab03c5d7833889a0e80caf3c69c2a2 Seven hotels up to now – the hotel group Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences has commissioned Lindner Group to do customised built-in furniture and complete fit-out packages for rooms and public areas - currently for the Falkensteiner Hotel Grand MedSpa Marienbad. Every hotel follows its unique interior design, its proper character. Great importance was attached to a precious material mix and a detailed and appealing design.The credo "Inspiring, innovative and individual." reflects in all hotels.

All diverse special-purpose constructions and customised fittings were manufactured by Lindner in its own joinery of the subsidiary Lindner Mobilier s.r.o. which is based in Slovakia. Customised material samples as well as prototypes or entire sample areas were constructed and realised upon request - always in order to combine aesthetics with functional requirements with regard to fire protection and sound insulation thanks to our professional know-how.

Joint projects of Lindner Mobilier and Falkensteiner Hotels: ­

  • 2008 Hotel Bratislava: fit-out public area, rooms ­
  • 2009 Hotel Am Schottenfeld (Vienna): fit-out public area, rooms ­
  • 2011 Hotel Sonnenalpe (Carinthia): fit-out public area
  • ­ 2012 Hotel Schladming: fit-out public area ­
  • 2013 Hotel Wien Margareten: fit-out public area ­
  • 2015 Hotel & Spa Jesolo: fit-out public area
  • ­ 2016 Hotel Grand MedSpa Marienbad: fit-out public area

For more information on hotel fit-out solutions visit » Hotels and Resorts.

news-4323 Thu, 20 Oct 2016 15:25:00 +0200 Novelty DryMode: Dry Laying Method for Floor Tiles on Lindner Hollow and Raised Floor Systems index.php?id=8517&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=4323&cHash=1e3d378caa0e63c07ddb9caf08d421e0 Lindner Group offers a revolutionary laying technique for ceramic surfaces that goes by the name DryMode. It enables 50 % faster and dust-free laying of tiles – without the use of primers or adhesives. The preparations for this method begin in the factory, where a layer of cork is applied to stone or ceramic tiles of all sizes, creating a precisely processed compound dry tile. When brought to the construction site, these tiles can be laid at once without any further preparations on a smooth surface, ideally FLOOR and more® hollow floors.

Only 12 to 24 hours after tiling and jointing, the surface is ready to carry loads. A circumferential edge on every tile makes for a predefined alignment of the panels to a joint width of 3 mm. Furthermore, the cork acts as an acoustically effective decoupling from the substructure.

Be it for moving, change of tenants or other changes in the utilization of a space, the tiles can be removed quickly, without residue and without any damage to the building structure. In case a single tile is damaged, it can also be exchanged within mere minutes with no additional drying period: you simply uncover the tile, remove it, insert a new piece and refill in the joints.

DryMode is especially attractive for large, continuous areas, which are commonly found in office buildings, museums, educational establishments, atria and shopping centres. Here, the installation efficiency is absolutely unrivalled.

The DryMode laying method has already been used successfully in several projects. One of them was the multi-purpose complex Arabeska in Munich, where over 20,000 sqm of Lindner Hollow and Raised Floors have been installed in high-quality rental areas that house companies such as the Bosch branch BSH Household Appliances and the insurance group Swiss Re.

In one of the building parts, the NORTEC Raised Floors have been used as a substructure for the large-format tiles (1.2 m x 1.2 m) that were laid using the DryMode method. The outcome speaks for itself: extremely short installation without waiting time and a perfect result.

Please contact us for further information on DryMode.
