Professional Education Center


Project: Professional Education Center
Building Type: Office buildings, Schools/Educational establishments
Address: Bahnhofstraße 9
Zip/City: 32816 Schieder
Country: Germany
Completion: 2016


Project: Professional Education Center

The Professional Education Center is the centre for apprenticeship and further training of the electrical engineering specialist Phoenix Contact. About 400 apprentices and dual students train in this environment. Furthermore, about 14,000 participants of further trainings take courses in the building each year. The main focus lies on qualifying the staff for the ongoing digitalization of the industry. 

Lindner AG participated in the new construction with hollow and raised floors. NORTEC raised floors have been installed over all area uses. This includes an execution with PVC coating and a particularly strong substructure, while office areas and hallways have been fitted with needle felt coating. For representative areas such as the entrance hall, natural stone and parquet have been chosen, the latter being executed with FLOOR and more® hollow floors. The highly technical environment of this new construction particularly shows the strenghts of Lindner Flooring Systems in regard of functionality: cables and piping could be lead through the floor void, while raised floors can additionally be opened at each spot, facilitating maintenance and redevelopments. 


Raised floor systems
NORTEC 5,700 sqm
Hollow floor systems
FLOOR and more® 500 sqm
Floor coverings
Elastic 1,800 sqm
Natural/artificial stone and ceramic tiles 300 sqm
Textile 3,500 sqm

Companies involved

Client: Phoenix Contact Electronics, Blomberg, Germany


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